Pentagram Technologies

Maintained Under Section 59 of the Indian Partnership Firm Act, 1932


An Indian Partnership company incorporated at Hyderabad, India in February 11, 2022

Previously known as Pentagram Research Centre Private Limited incorporated in February 27, 1997


Mission: Better Technology Through Better Research


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Stock / Crypto / Exchange Price Prediction Support System (SPPSS)


Pentagram Technologies has evolved a novel 'stock / crypto / exchange' price prediction technique. Algorithmic and Quantitative traders and almost all industrialists would find this predictive analytical tool very useful. SPPSS is a deep learning cognitive system that employs Bayesian detector-estimator for predicting the occurrence of a rise or fall of a stock price or a finite set of stock prices at a particular instant or duration of time. Deep learning neural network is used for this purpose. A sample case study report is presented here. This tool SPPSS could be used for crypto and exchange price prediction also.



Daily prediction of actual and predicted open and close stock price of Apollo Hospitals for the year 2017