Pentagram Technologies Maintained Under Section 59 of the Indian Partnership Firm Act, 1932 |
An Indian Partnership company incorporated at Hyderabad, India in February 11, 2022 Previously known as Pentagram Research Centre Private Limited incorporated in February 27, 1997 |
Mission: Better Technology Through Better Research |
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►Management Team◄ █ ►Officials◄ |
Honorary Members |
Dr. Claudio Moraga, Chief Patron of the Company ◄◄ (Hit to view his biodata) |
Prof. Dr. Claudio Moraga PhD received the B.Sc. in E.E. from the Catholic University of Valparaíso in 1961; the M.Sc. in E.E. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1962 and its Doctorate in E.E. from the Technical University Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile in 1972. He is presently Emeritus Researcher at the European Centre for Soft Computing, in Mieres, Asturias, Spain and Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Dortmund, Germany. Furthermore he is a patron of the Pentagram Research Centre, Hyderabad, India. The research interests of Professor Moraga include Multiple-valued Logic, Computational Intelligence and Spectral Techniques. After earning a master's in electrical engineering and computer science at MIT, Moraga got a PhD in Chile at the Technical University Federico Santa María while maintaining a full teaching load at a nearby university. When he was offered an academic position in Germany in 1974, he and his family trekked across the globe. Eleven years later, Moraga moved from the University of Dortmund to the University of Bremen, but he returned to Dortmund the next year to teach automata theory, the study of abstract machines and the problems they solve. Moraga retired from the University of Dortmund in 2002 but still works on European Commission education projects in Serbia and Macedonia and with a German-Chilean team studying machine learning. Currently, he is an emeritus researcher at the European Centre for Soft Computing in Asturias, Spain. |
Dr. Dirk van Dalen, Chairman of the LEJ Brouwer Institute ◄◄ (Hit to view his biodata) |
Dr. M. Thiyagarajan, Director of the LEJ Brouwer Institute ◄◄ (Hit to view his biodata) |
Prof. Dr. M. Thiyagarajan M.Sc., PhD was born on 19-09-40, Completed his post graduation and under graduation in mathematics. He started his endless research career and submitted his dissertation on Univalent functions for M.Phil. He submitted his Ph.D thesis on Stochastic Process and Applications to Madras University. He is not only a active researcher but also eminent teacher worked as a Professor in various colleges. He completed two research projects of UGC, New Delhi and conducted six national seminars of which 4 on Stochastic process and 2 on Number theory. He actively and successfully played the role of Convener for the International conference on Number theory and secure communications -2003, and organizing committee member for 3 other International conferences. He has supervised 16 Ph.D scholars out of which 3 in image processing and 2 in theoretical computer science and functional programming. He has guided and complemented more than 50 M.Phil., Dissertation on Mathematics and Computer Science. He has published / Presented more than 100 papers on computer science and applied mathematics. The other achievements could be Gold Medalist in UG and PG program and authored 3 books on Mathematics. He was working in SASTRA University, Thanjavur now as Professor of Computer Science and currently guiding 4 Ph.D., scholars in Cryptography and Network Security, 1 scholar in Data Mining. He has published many research papers in refereed journals for the past two decades. He was decorated as “Distinguished Indian “ from the leading research institute Pentagram Research Center at Hyderabad. |
Promoter Directors of the company |
Mrs. G. Chitra, Managing Director ◄◄ (Hit to view her biodata) |
Mrs. G. Chitra is the Founder Managing Director of the Pentagram Research Centre (P) Ltd., Hyderabad, India. She is a Mathematician and a Scientist having about 29 years of experience in teaching, research and administration. She has a number of publications to her credit. She is graduated in Mathematics from the Madras University. She was a noted teacher in the campus of Aviation Research Centre, Government of India from 1977 to 1984. She was a Natural and Formal Language Specialist working in the research project of Machine Translation of Indian Languages in the Computer Science Department of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur in 1990. She authored many research papers especially in the areas related to Automation. She conducted major International Conferences on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ICSCI-2004, ICSCI-2005, ICSCI-2006, ICSCI-2007) respectively in the years 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007. All these conferences had drawn the attention of many internationally reputed scientists, academicians, industrialists and students from all over the globe. Many Indian students benefited to a great extent from these conferences. While she is an academician and a scientist by profession and life style, she is also known for her capabilities in all matters related to business and administration. Recently, two major research centers have been approved by her, one Molecular Electronics Research Center and the other on Brain Research Center. Efforts are being made to take them up with collaborative support from foreign scientific organizations and the Government of India under the category of Bio Technology |
Dr. E. G. Rajan, Director (President) ◄◄ (Hit to view his biodata) |
Prof. Dr. E. G. Rajan B.Sc., D.M.I.T., M.E., PhD, FIE is the Founder President of the Pentagram Research Centre (P) Ltd., Hyderabad, India. He is an Electronics Engineer and a Professor of Signal Processing having about 42 years of experience in teaching, research and administration. He has a number of publications to his credit. He has been a professional member of ACM and an editor of the journal of AMSE, Royal Academy of Doctors, Barcelona, Spain. He received his Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering, (Signal and Image Processing), from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, U.P., M.E. degree in Applied Electronics, from Madras University, the then famous DMIT in Electronics Engineering from the Madras Institute of Technology, Chromepet, Madras and B.Sc degree in Physics from Madras University. His contribution to the state-of-the-art of Electronic Warfare and Support Measures has been well recognized in the Government and industrial sectors. He was a noted teacher in the department of Electrical Engineering of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He received Distinguished Scientist and Man of the Millennium Award from Who is Who Bibliographical Records, Cambridge, 2000. He authored many books like, Symbolic Computing – Signal and Image Processing, Electronic Order of Battle Records of Military Radars, Computers and Information Technology and Foundations of Information Technology. He is the father of a novel paradigm Symbolic Computing In the Framework of Markov’s Constructive Mathematical Logic. His contribution to Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Modeling and Simulation, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Could be seen in his research publications. Two of his sixty five Ph.D scholars were involved in the design of digital circuits using organic molecules and some of them are working in the area of Big Data Analytics pertaining to Genome Data Base, Biometrics Data Base, Medical Data Bases like MRI and CT Scan imageries of Breast Cancer, Geospatial Data Bases like Multispectral Satellite imageries and Subsurface Three Dimensional Radargrams obtained using Ground Penetrating Radars. He has brought out more than 25 original patentable concepts. One such concept is Codon Space, which advocates the theory of Life Forms as Subspaces of the Information Space called Codon Space. Another concept is a Mathematical Transform, which goes by his name as Rajan Transform. On November 15, 2015, he was awarded the prestigious Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Gold Medal for his life time achievement in Teaching, Research, Industrial Development and Corporate Social Responsibility. |
G. Sathya, Director ◄◄ (Hit to view his biodata) | |||
Sathya Govindarajan is a B.Tech from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad and MS in Computer Science from New York Institute of Technology, New York, USA. He is Honorary Chief Consultant of Pentagram Research Centre Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad, India from January 2012 and of Avatar MedVision US, LLC, NC, USA from 2014. His contribution to the development of Logical Image and Video Processing System, Logical 3D Image Processing System, MedVision 3D/4D, the company's advanced software products, is phenomenal. He is also actively involved in the development of an artificial intelligence based machine leaning system called Cognitive Engine that predicts crime activities in various cities of the USA, based on authentic crime databases and public media intelligence using proprietary tools of predictive analytics developed in the framework of Detection Estimation Theory, Constructive Logical Calculus, and Probabilistic Programming. The paradigm developed for predictive crime analytics could not only be used for Predictive Policing but also for Financial Forecast and other applications. Sathya has been a source of inspiration to various scientists and engineers working in Pentagram Research, India and Avatar MedVision US LLC, NC, USA. While he was at NYIT, he worked as a research assistant and programmer in a DARPA sponsored project on continuous authentication – Key Stroke and Touch. He implemented feature extraction and selection techniques on keystroke and mobile touch data; implemented algorithms of various statistically-based classifiers- Scaled Euclidean and Manhattan and “R” measure K-Means Clustering, Naïve Bayes, Tree Augmented Naïve Bayes, One Class SVM and Dictionary Learning, Modeling with regression methods - Linear, Ridge and Logistic; performed dimensionality reduction using Feature Selection and Feature Extraction • Feature selection - FFS and BFS Feature extraction - PCA, Sparse PCA, ICA, LDA. Apart from his professional skills, he is known for his commendable academic excellence, his research publications in international conferences and journals like IEEE to be more specific. Stationed at New York, he guides and supports the company in such a way that the company has turned out to be rich in IP and subsequently drawn attention of multinational VCs and government agencies. |
Ms. G. Prashanthi, Director ◄◄ (Hit to view his biodata) | |||
Prashanthi Govindarajan is a B.Tech from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad and MSc from Staffordshire University, United Kngdom. She is the Vice President of Pentagram Research Centre Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad, India from January 2016 and earlier she was a software solutions architect in the same company. She has been a Team Member (Development) - Logical Video Processing System (LVPS), Logical 3D Image Processing System (L3DIPS), MEDVISION 3D/4D of the company's advanced software products. She is also involved in various research projects; mainly in theoretical research and programming. She was the organizing committee member of International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ICSCI) held under the aegis of the company. Earlier, she was Research Assistant in Staffordshire University, England from May 2011- October 2012. Prashanthi's main research activity was in Signal Sparsification with Discrete Rajan Transform (DRT): Principles, Properties and Applications. The advent of Compressive sensing technique has led to having sparse representation of a signal to be an important criterion. Having such sparse representations has wide applications in fields like signal analysis and representation, image processing, speech processing and many other such fields. This study aimed at introducing Generalized Discrete Rajan Transform (DRT) as a potential sparsifying transform. The results point towards the success of DRT in achieving higher degree of sparsity. One application in this context is Speaker Recognition Using Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCCS). Some of her research publications are (i) Skeletonization of 3D Images Using 2.5D and 3D Algorithms”, International Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies (NGCT-2015), Dehradun, India, 2015, (ii) Sparsification of Voice Data Using Discrete Rajan Transform and its Applications in Speaker Recognition, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC-2014), 2014, (iii) A Unified Framework to Measure Sparsity for Uncorrelated Random Signal”, Elsevier Signal processing [Under Review], (iv) Normal Algorithmic Signal Processing," IEEE sponsored 2012 International Conference on Computing Sciences, pp.31-36, ICCS-2012, (v) Data Compression Using Discrete Rajan Transform for Speaker Verification System, International Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, India, July 2012, (vi) Signal Sparsification with Discrete Rajan Transform Principles, Properties and Applications (Part–2), International Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, pp 48-54, India, January 2012, (vii) Signal Sparsification with Discrete Rajan Transform Principles, Properties and Applications (Part–1), International Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, pp 38-47, India, January 2012, (viii) Design Of An Automatic Speaker Recognition System Using MFCC, Vector Quantization And LBG Algorithm, International Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, pp 34-42, India, October 09, (ix) A Novel Approach To Extract Hidden Features of Ultrasound Imageries, International Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, pp 66-66, India, July 2008. |
Senior Officials of the Company |
Dr. Ing. Klaus Dieter Lukoschus, Executive Director ◄◄ (Hit to view his biodata) |
Prof. Dr. Ing. Klaus Dieter Lukoschus PhD is a Professor in the University of Applied Sciences, Gelsenkirchen, Germany and he is also Hon. Executive Director of Pentagram Research Centre, India and is involved in a project related to solar cooling system. Klaus Dieter Lukoschus was born in Germany on November 12, 1938. He received his German Engineering Degree (Dipl.-Ing.) from the Technical University of Braunschweig in 1966 and the Dr.-Ing. Degree in 1978. After graduation he was deputed to the Indian Institute of Technology in Chennai, under an Indo German development contract. There he was engaged in establishing a telecommunication laboratory and teaching Electronics. In 1971 he returned to the Technical University Brauschweig where he became Co-Experimenter of the US-European deep space project HELIOS at the Institute of Telecommunication. His main responsibility was the optimization and construction of a search coil magnetometer for the exploration of solar magnetic fields. After successful launch of the two space probes HELIOS 1 and Helios 2 in 1974 and 1976 at Kennedy Space Flight Center he developed a new search coil experiment for a rocket campaign within the International Magnetospheric Studies Program. This was at the same time the basis of his doctoral dissertation. Thereafter he did research work for several industry firms. Dr. Lukoschus was appointed in 1997 as Professor at the University of Applied Sciences Gelsenkirchen and he was working in the field of Communications with focus on Optical Data Transmission. 1994 he was elected Dean of the Department of Electrical Engineering. After retirement in 2004 his main interest shifted to renewable energies especially the use of solar thermal energy for cooling processes. He assumed charge as the Hon. Executive Director of Pentagram Research Centre Pvt Limited, Hyderabad in 2008. |
Dr. Michael Coyle, Vice President (Medical Science) ◄◄ (Hit to view his biodata) |
Prof. Dr. Michael P. Coyle MD, FACP, FAAP is the Vice President of Pentagram Research Centre Pvt Limited, Hyderabad. He received his Bachelors of Science degree from Cleveland State University in Cleveland, Ohio. Subsequently, he received his M.D. degree from Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. He proceeded with his specialty training in the combined specialty program of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics leading to his board eligibility and certification in both specialties. After this, he became a Fellow with the American Board of Pediatrics as well as a Fellow with the American College of Physicians. With regard to his practice of medicine, he has functioned in a variety of capacities. He has served in rural communities through the auspices of the National Health Service Corps, primarily in solo, as well as multi-specialty practices. He then joined the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina. During his second year at this institution, he was asked to establish a multi-specialty, freestanding outpatient clinic and remained Medical Director of this clinic for 10 years. After this, he served as Chief Medical Officer for a federally qualified health center. Dr. Coyle presently practices clinical medicine as well as academic medicine in the areas of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. He allows shadowing for college students and actively teaches medical students and residents at all levels. His primary interests include preventive medicine, cardiovascular health and sports medicine. Other interests include, but are not limited to, theoretical astrophysics (novice level). He joined Pentagram Research Centre Pvt Limited, Hyderabad as Vice President in 2012 and subsequently assumed charge as Chief Executive Officer of the affiliated company Avatar MedVision LLC, NC, USA. |
Dr. Manish Prateek, Hon. Executive Director ◄◄ (Hit to view his biodata) |
Prof. Dr. Manish Prateek M.S., PhD is Professor and Director School of Computer Science at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies. He is also working as Hon. Executive Director in Pentagram Research Centre Pvt Limited, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India. He pursued his UG and PG in Computer Engineering from Kursk State Technical University (now South West State University), Kursk, Russia. His area of expertise during his Master’s was microprocessor designing and optimization and the title of the thesis was “Subsystem of Linear Disposition in Complex Objects”. After completion of his degree he started his career in IT Industry. In the year 1999 he got an opportunity to work on a R&D project in the area of Manufacturing & Robotics at Memorial University of NF, St. John’s Canada. Later, in the year 2007, he got his PhD from L. N. Mithila University, Darbhanga, Bihar, in the area of Manufacturing & Robotics and the title of the thesis is “Automation and Microprocessor Based Control of an Optimally Designed Solar Tracking System”. His area of Research are Robotics, Embedded Systems, VANET, Computer Network, Ad Hoc Network, Image Processing, Signal Analysis. He started his career in academics as Associate Professor at GRIET, Hyderabad, India in the year 2005 and later became Professor. Since 2006 he got associated with Pentagram Research Pvt. Ltd as Assistant Director. In the year 2010 he joined University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, Uttrakhand as a Professor in the department of Computer Science and Engineering and became Head of the department in the year 2011. At UPES he conceptualized Industry oriented programs in Computer Science and Engineering in collaboration with IBM India, which started with 04 specialized programs under CSE which later grew up to 15 programs and later he also collaborated with Xebia India to start 02 specialized programs in CSE. Today all these programs are flagship programs in Indian academic system. Till now 05 PhD scholars have completed their PhD work in the areas of Robotics, Machine Vision, Ad Hoc Network, Image Processing and 08 more scholars are working under the similar areas under him. He has published more than 50 Journal and Conference papers in International Journals and Conferences. Set Theoretic Rajan Transform (STRT) is one of the biggest contribution made by him in the area of Computer Science and Engineering and due to which he was nominated and awarded as “Distinguished Academician” a lifetime achievement award for his achievement in Academics and Research& Development, by the Board of Directors of Pentagram Research Centre (P) Ltd. in the year 2010. |
Ms. Dr. R. Poongothai, Vice President (Biological Science) ◄◄ (Hit to view her biodata) |
Dr. Poongothai Ramaswamy M.Sc., PhD carries over more than 18 years of Professional experience, which includes both Academia and Industry. Her academic qualification includes, Masters in Human Genetics from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India and Doctoral degree from Osmania University, Hyderabad in Cancer Genetics, pertaining to hematological malignancies, with special emphasis to Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. A recipient of UICC, ICRETT fellowship to carry out part of her PhD work at Institute of Molecular Medicine, Sir John Radcliff Hospital, IMM, OXFORD, UK and CSIR and ICMR fellowships for Post doctoral Research at Osmania University and Centre for DNA Finger Printing and Diagnostics (CDFD).She had been actively involved in the field of Research & Development (R&D) pertaining to both infectious and non infectious disease in Biotech Industry. She worked as a group leader in clinical Reference lab at VIMTA Life sciences, Hyderabad and in BioGenex Life Sciences, an MNC company, in Research & Development (R&D) division in the capacity as Group Leader. She was involved here in the development In Situ Hybridization assays of both manual and automation for infectious disease like Human papilloma virus. She started her career as an academician at Shadan college for women , Department of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad from 1993-1996. Also, worked as part time biotechnology consultant for M.Sc, Biotechnology, Osmania college for women , Hyderabad during the intern period of Ph.D award. She is a co-crafter (biotechnology) for crafitti consultancy, a Banglore based company. During her tenure as a researcher for her Ph.D, she had been recipient of various fellowship s from both national and international bodies & academic associations like CSIR, UICC, Indian Medical Association (IMA) and Rameswaredas Birla Smarak Kosh. She has over 10 national and international publications. To add further to her credit, she has been an active participant in presenting her work in many scientific conferences both in India and abroad,Apart from this, she also holds a PG diploma in Patent law from NALSAR, Hyderabad, INDIA and advanced course in Biotechnology Patents from World Intellectual property Rights (WIPO) and practical training at Indian Institute of Patent and trade mark (IIPTA), Hyderabad |
Dr. M. Ekambaram Naidu, Vice President (Computer Vision) ◄◄ (Hit to view his biodata) |
Dr. M. Ekambaram Naidu is a B.Tech from S. V. University, Tirupati, M.Tech from Mangalore University, Karnataka and Ph.D from the University of Mysore, Karnataka. His area of interests include Signal and Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Analysis, Modeling and Simulation, Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Symbolic Computation, Computer Networks, Mobile Networks and Software Engineering, OOD and OOPS. He has widely published in various international conferences and journals. He was awarded “Bharat Jothi” from “International Integrity, Peace and Friendship Society”, Bangalore, on April 2003 and also awarded “Distinguished Official” from “Pentagram Research Centre (P) Ltd”, Hyderabad on January 2009. His contribution to the company in developing various software products pertaining to computer vision and pattern recognition and analysis is highly appreciated. He has been associated with many educational institutions in the capacity of principal, professor and director and supervised many PhD scholars. His research paper on Genomic Signal Processing using Rajan Transform was well received during the GSP conference held in Dallas, USA. Presently he taking care of the productization of various concepts related to space and security. He is one of the team members who have designed various components in projects like Crime Intelligence Support System, Coastal Surveillance System and Video Surveillance System. |
H. B. Nayak, Vice President (Business Development) ◄◄ (Hit to view his biodata) |
Mr. H. B. Nayak
obtained Master of Social Work (MSW) in 1983, B.A in Economics
in 1980 from Karnataka University Dharwad. Mr. Nayak has 34 Years of
Industrial, Professional Experience in Human Resources,
Administration, Public Relations, Facility Management, Logistics
Management and Security Management.. He served Maini precision
product Pvt Ltd Bangalore Karnataka as H R and Admin Head; served
Kar Mobiles Ltd Tumkur Karnataka as Human Resources Head. He had
been with Wipro Limited for fifteen years in Consumer Products
Tumkur Karnataka as Head Human Resources and Administration; |
V. J. Bhasker, (International Business Executive) ◄◄ (Hit to view his biodata) |
V. J Bhasker is an MBA with 17 year history of Organization and Business Development for large and medium project management. He engages in business deals by coordinating requirements; developing and negotiating contracts; integrating contract requirements with business operations by analyzing market strategies, deal requirements, potential, and financials; evaluating options; resolving internal priorities; recommending equity investments | ||